Xinyi thinks we're ugly. SO here, judge it on your own!
From XINYI"S blog:
...Anyway when i think tat school is out...i will feel very happy n relax...coz i don need 2 c all the bitches faces....Why do ppl like 2 tok bad bout others.....according 2 the scientist....they say tat they got mental problem....if u see them.....u hv 2 bring them 2 IMH IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!Which means my CLASS got mental problem.....OMG!!!!=_=Haix so CLASS got mental problem......T.T
read teens magezine 2day...saw Cheryl's last year class photo...she act cute lor.....haix..
I went 2 Orchard with my brother 2 collect his phone.We waited for like so long until it was his turn....lucky i did not c those 3 ppl over there....